AzureAceStarburst42 2 points ago +4 / -2

So why have Americans done nothing this year to oppose leftoids in any way that matters? Children are still being trafficked and groomed and forced to undergo "sex reassignment" mutilation. Conservatives are taxed so hard they can't afford to have more kids than the enemy, and they have no long-term plans to win this war, move away from the war, or even admit there is a war.

Cuckservatives still choose sticking their heads in the sand and helping leftoids dehumanize "racists" over admitting what solutions Weimar problems require.

AzureAceStarburst42 6 points ago +7 / -1

A diverse society is only free if the humans are free to defend themselves when attacked by swamp creatures such as swamp apes or taxed too much by lizardpeople bankers/politicians.