If you haven’t seen the numerous hit pieces by now, the left is trying to oust Feinstein, not for having a Chinese spy as a personal driver for twenty years, but for no longer being able to do their bidding while they lose ground to a republican house. The one thing holding them back… is Feinstein herself, who in her vanity, refuses to relinquish control. This is parroted amongst not only leftist politicians (including McCain) but leftist “celebrities” as well. They grew into prominence, not from individual validity but their ability to parrot and morph to the agenda of the day well. As any aging stage actor they grew to believe that the crowds that amassed were for them alone and not the show they perform. However when life strikes, the stage hands and show directors look for a new diva to perform, leaving the on their way out stage actor clinging desperately for that continued glamour in the spotlight. I truly wonder if on their death bed they realize they were themselves just useful idiots, the same as the ones they laughed about as they fawned over their performance.
Barbie doll with Down’s syndrome launched by Mattel
Atlantic: How the Gender Debate Veered Offtrack
Atlantic: America Fails the Civilization Test