To be fair, I'm not sure if this is anti-white-male thought, or just hoping for more out there characters, like demons and stuff, like they mention. That said, they should certainly know better; doesn't matter the options, human characters generally and historically win out in RPGs and character creation. Also, it's none of their business anyway.
And is, in fact, kind of creepy that they're keeping track of such things in the first place. Yes, it's a game with multiplayer, and yes, it's in early access, but all these analytics are still creepy. Maybe I'm just old fashioned.
Also, this is how they describe the Human race in one of their other posts:
The most common face to see in Faerûn...
Guys, come on. Think this through, devs...
And, for anyone curious, here is the post complaining about people creating the wrong characters, and here is where they describe Humans, and the other races.
To be fair, I'm not sure if this is anti-white-male thought, or just hoping for more out there characters, like demons and stuff, like they mention. That said, they should certainly know better; doesn't matter the options, human characters generally and historically win out in RPGs and character creation. Also, it's none of their business anyway.
And is, in fact, kind of creepy that they're keeping track of such things in the first place. Yes, it's a game with multiplayer, and yes, it's in early access, but all these analytics are still creepy. Maybe I'm just old fashioned.
Also, this is how they describe the Human race in one of their other posts:
Guys, come on. Think this through, devs...
And, for anyone curious, here is the post complaining about people creating the wrong characters, and here is where they describe Humans, and the other races.