Ive seen this argument a lot (on Imgur of all places) people have been countering the information of "the PB CEO is an Afro-Cuban" with "that doesnt make them not White Supreme Cheese"... completely disregarding the fact that no self-proclaimed White Supreme Cheese would ever follow a black leader....
This article has it all:
Liberal British newspaper commenting on American politics.
California (LA)-based author.
Transgender “data scientist.”
Lives in Germany.
Proud boys are a “violent neo-fascist racist street gang.”
Putting words into Trump’s mouth.
Doxing people and trying to get them fired under the guise of exposing Nazis.
Donate to The Guardian to help beat Trump.
I see they dropped the white supremacist part now that they realized PB hit their diversity quota. Still racist apperently.
Ive seen this argument a lot (on Imgur of all places) people have been countering the information of "the PB CEO is an Afro-Cuban" with "that doesnt make them not White Supreme Cheese"... completely disregarding the fact that no self-proclaimed White Supreme Cheese would ever follow a black leader....
They did redefine white supremacy to mean "believing something incidentally made by white people is superior to the alternatives"