Season 2's new antagonist has revealed herself as turbo Hitler, as expected, but it's really the subtext that is so pernicious.
Stormfront (yup...) complains about "the other races" overwhelming and destroying "us", an obvious strawman of anyone who dares question the overt and deliberate demographic reform enacted within majority-white countries by liberal Western governments over the last half century.
No other peoples would see their concerns over such treatment dismissed so casually as hate speech and bigotry. I can only assume as much, of course, because no non-white cultures are being systematically targeted in this fashion. Strange, right?
I tolerated the show to this point because it was reasonably subtle with it's messaging and even occasionally mocked the empty virtue signaling of corporations and media. Most of the human characters have become increasingly unlikeable, but the corrupt supers are genuinely interesting. This episode shattered all that. I'm out.
You could just like, leave, if you're so disappointed. Why are you even here? To be mad? Die angry.
I bet you like to sniff your own farts. You clearly think you're God's gift to reason, despite doing nothing but saying "you're dumb and angry" in a very long winded way.
Maybe try actually making points instead of just tossing around insults? Because you sound astonishingly buttmad as it is. You've refuted nothing, only screamed.
Look at my other post in this thread, I don't agree, but I gasp actually articulated my reasoning for OP being wrong. Gee, what a fucking concept amirite?
lol sure thing pal.