"Wimminz are so badass, as Avatar, they can use 3 elements without any training, as a child, barely old enough to walk steadily. Checkmate misoginists."
That show had everything to be a 10/10. They had to drag it down several points with SJW shit and a few very, very retarded plot twists.
Like when the Airbenders got captured. "I saw them get away!" she said. Yes. Everyone saw it, because they did.
There was no in-universe-realistic way to capture a master Airbender and his very skilled children, on their flying ride, as they were on the world's most important mission above all else : not get caught for any reason whatsoever, otherwise Airbending will stop existing.
"Wimminz are so badass, as Avatar, they can use 3 elements without any training, as a child, barely old enough to walk steadily. Checkmate misoginists."
That show had everything to be a 10/10. They had to drag it down several points with SJW shit and a few very, very retarded plot twists.
Like when the Airbenders got captured. "I saw them get away!" she said. Yes. Everyone saw it, because they did.
There was no in-universe-realistic way to capture a master Airbender and his very skilled children, on their flying ride, as they were on the world's most important mission above all else : not get caught for any reason whatsoever, otherwise Airbending will stop existing.