Holy Fuck I cannot believe that you guys belive that Covid-19 isn't real and the pandemic has ended. Yes the pandemic was over-blown and overkill but do you think that the crisis is over. No it isn't one of my peers was diagnosed and had mild syptoms of it and was tested positive. I live in the country that has the strictest and longest lockdown in the world but proven ineffective whatsoever. And no mask doesn't stop the spreading but it acts a barrier that prevents it from spreading more.
BLM is a Communist OP.
im my country we dont need to breed because we keep importing the mf, hence thd smallest house in europe at ridculous prices
See, whites were the only people who learned to breed responsibly; the effects began to show in the 1980s (we were well on the way to a steady-state population, of the kind humans expect and demand in EVERY OTHER GODDAMN SPECIES ON EARTH, and the fucking economists hated it, because they're a bunch of fucking retards who have no knowledge of how nature fucking works, and just parrot "hUmAnZ R dIfFeReNt" like all their other mindless mantras.