As this is a sensitive topic, and I've been forced to remove the footage from Reddit, please put useful updates below. I'll try to compile what I can.
Earlier Events
Elijah Riot claims he may have spoken to the initial shooter:
The Daily Caller's Richie McGinnes claims to have spoken to the alleged shooter before the violence as well:
Twitter Video of rioters burning a dumpster in the road near the gas station:
Twitter Post showing early belligerency between armed group and rioters:
Elijah Schaffer describes that a few scarce minutes before the shooting, the rioters were looting nearby cars and trying to burn one. Thread here (in reverse chronological order (most recent first, oldest last)):
Video-Leak-Police Bitchute video providing additional context:
Initial incident of initial shooter firing at a minimum of 1 individual/s . NSFW: Head injury
Post by OccupyRULES6 (Reddit)
Twitter thread has additional context leading to the shooting:
Footage of a reprisal attack on one of the shooters. NSFW: Likely death from shooting with AR at close range
Previous post by u/MonsterUltra (.win)
Similar Post by OccupyRULES6 (Reddit):
Video-Leak-Police Bitchute compiling
Comment post by u/Glagire (.win), contains HD photography of reprisal attack. NSFW: death
Reprisal attacker appears armed by Kirara (Saidit)
Footage of one of the reprisal attacker's injuries while being apprehended by the police. NSFW: Grievous bodily injury.
Previous post by u/FollettoBurbero (.win)
Related Comment by OccupyRULES6 (Reddit): NSFW: Grievous bodily injury
Elijah Schaffer's ad-hoc interview with a witness after speaking to police. Both the witness and Schaffer suspect that the group were BLM supporting "Boogaloo Boys"
Compilation Video & Analysis by Twitter user V4Volk
Analysis comment by NoEyesNoGroin (Reddit)
This looks like it may have been BLM on BLM barbarity. Tl;dr - the car lot being protected by armed people is apparently owned by a BLM lowlife. BLM started smashing up cars and they started fighting amongst each other. BLM twitter ofcourse immediately claimed it was caused by "white supremacists".
Tim Pool's morning commentary & analysis:
Reuters reports that the shooter is identified as 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse, who has been charged with First Degree Intentional Homicide by the state of Illinois.
Tim Pool points out that the shooter was arrested as a fugitive. He may not have been arrested by police that night.
Timeline & Map of events:
Don't know if the above links contain these photos
They show the skateboard guy hitting the shooter when he was on the ground, then getting shot in the chest. After this, it also very clearly shows the steps between the 'medic' pretending to raise his hands then stepping in and drawing his pistol (almost certainly to kill the guy the ground) before getting his bicep blown off (no gore visible).
The initial incident is still unclear (apart from the fact that the first victim was clearly aggressive and looking for trouble) but there's no question that the second and third shootings were 100% justified. Still have plenty of leftists trying to identify him. A name is already out there but who knows if it's accurate at this stage (might just end up getting someone's family targeted).
Surprisingly the thread on r/News is full of based comments supporting his right to defend himself and criticising the attackers. This incident might finally wake people up to the fact that this is the inevitable conclusion of roving mobs attacking people in the streets and burning down their livelihoods. The idea of defunding the police is now clearly a question of "Do you really want more of this Wild West shit, but next time maybe in your neigbourhood?"
EDIT: Just to add, the Daily Caller team were right where it happened and interviewed the shooter just before things went down.
The state of Illinois is charging him with 1st Degree Intentional Homicide, so those redditors better think twice about whether or not the government thinks that they have the right to not be murdered by an armed lynch mob.
So glad I left that hellhole of a state
I never really thought of Illinois as a leftist hive. I figured it was basically just Chicago.
It is for the most part Chicago. Though there are some smaller slums like Cahokia and Carbondale towards the Southwest part.
Chicago is the worst of it, but it does leak into other metropolitan areas. Mostly I think it's just the shitty mob politics of yesteryear infest most of the state (taxes, regulations, corruption, etc) especially once you get to the bigger towns.