I am convinced the flat earth stuff especially is a kind of false flag or cointelpro. It's a rabbit hole made to lure people who are suspicious of the status quo that ultimately leads nowhere and accomplishes nothing.
I think some of them are probably doing it for trolling purposes, and for the purpose of satire- mocking other supposedly scientific (but anti-critical) theories.
I don't really have any evidence that those are anyone's reasons. They're just the reasons I'd be doing it.
Something lost these days, but "conspiracy theories" can also just be a lot of fun. They don't have to be true, and you don't have to believe them to find entertainment out of them. Obviously there are some nutjobs, but who cares?
I am convinced the flat earth stuff especially is a kind of false flag or cointelpro. It's a rabbit hole made to lure people who are suspicious of the status quo that ultimately leads nowhere and accomplishes nothing.
I think some of them are probably doing it for trolling purposes, and for the purpose of satire- mocking other supposedly scientific (but anti-critical) theories.
I don't really have any evidence that those are anyone's reasons. They're just the reasons I'd be doing it.
Something lost these days, but "conspiracy theories" can also just be a lot of fun. They don't have to be true, and you don't have to believe them to find entertainment out of them. Obviously there are some nutjobs, but who cares?