I am convinced the flat earth stuff especially is a kind of false flag or cointelpro. It's a rabbit hole made to lure people who are suspicious of the status quo that ultimately leads nowhere and accomplishes nothing.
I think some of them are probably doing it for trolling purposes, and for the purpose of satire- mocking other supposedly scientific (but anti-critical) theories.
I don't really have any evidence that those are anyone's reasons. They're just the reasons I'd be doing it.
Something lost these days, but "conspiracy theories" can also just be a lot of fun. They don't have to be true, and you don't have to believe them to find entertainment out of them. Obviously there are some nutjobs, but who cares?
I am convinced the flat earth stuff especially is a kind of false flag or cointelpro. It's a rabbit hole made to lure people who are suspicious of the status quo that ultimately leads nowhere and accomplishes nothing.
I think some of them are probably doing it for trolling purposes, and for the purpose of satire- mocking other supposedly scientific (but anti-critical) theories.
I don't really have any evidence that those are anyone's reasons. They're just the reasons I'd be doing it.
Something lost these days, but "conspiracy theories" can also just be a lot of fun. They don't have to be true, and you don't have to believe them to find entertainment out of them. Obviously there are some nutjobs, but who cares?
Ah, the 4chan approach, I like it.