So for those who are out of the loop, r/ActualPublicFreakouts formed from the frustration of non-public freakouts were becoming more common on the original subreddit. As of late there has become a more noticeable shift in what types of posts get to the top of the pages. I've also seen comments in passing the past few months accusing r/ActualPublicFreakouts being full of racist nazis in other subreddits.
The question is how long before a move to censor or outright ban the spin off subreddit since the political and cultural shift goes against the Reddit group think.
I'm bent out of shape about the claim that people are "forced" to become racist, or are "made" into racists. No, they choose to be racist based on their own personal failure.
Agreed, that cynical (and more often than not, resentful) place to hold a demographic in contempt for the alleged crimes of their race is immoral to me.
Agreed, the black and white racial construct is quite broad to the point of being generally useless for many pratical purposes. It's political identification, like Hispanic.
I'm well aware of that.