So for those who are out of the loop, r/ActualPublicFreakouts formed from the frustration of non-public freakouts were becoming more common on the original subreddit. As of late there has become a more noticeable shift in what types of posts get to the top of the pages. I've also seen comments in passing the past few months accusing r/ActualPublicFreakouts being full of racist nazis in other subreddits.
The question is how long before a move to censor or outright ban the spin off subreddit since the political and cultural shift goes against the Reddit group think.
Well, that's where taxonomic hair-splitting below species level comes in. Below that is race/subspecies, of course, and then below THAT comes in behavioural differences within a race (called "ethnicity" in humans, or tribes). A black American is definitely of a different ethnicity than someone from Nigeria (or Australia, for that matter) even though they might share a more recent common ancestor with each other than with any other groups of humans, and the black American might seem behaviourally "white" in the Nigerian's eyes.
Yeah, this happens in other species as well, but it's not talked about much. We just mostly get the kindergarten view of evolution, as being caused by "random changes" caused by "geological separation" (mountains and oceans) on the timescale of geology, rather than biology. But, as Darwin noted, intra-species competition is probably more important than any other kind of pressure exerted on a species (ie, its social condition puts more evolutionary pressure on a population than predators, disease, climate, etc.) A change in behaviour might turn some off, and attract some, within a population, and then, when the two different groups grow so big and can't stand living with one another any more, migration happens. Like a guy named Abraham taking his family and like-minded sky-god worhshipping monotheistic friends across the desert to get away from people who were polytheists. The problem comes when an animal has no more room to spread and for new populations to claim new territory ...
And do note that domestication experiments indicate that changes in behaviour patterns are often accompanied by changes in appearance (eye and hair colour, for instance.)