Just wanted to vent a bit about my older brother after I was at his son birthday party. We do not talk much so I decided to catch up with his life.
- He got offended when I told him that he is the whitest guy I know. Apparently calling him white was somehow bad. I only said that because without lotion he burns in the sun, full red in a minute.
- We talked about what books he reads now since it is his favorite hobby. Apparently he only reads books with harems in them and lesbians which is fine by me of-course but then he took time to educate me about "the spectrum" which by the way is retarded.
- He only watches movies with a lesbian or at least a bisexual chick as main role
- He told me how good it is to change D&D dark elves and orcs - he does not play it and knows I am a fan - think he only mentioned to piss me off
- He like socialism for some unknown reason, people under socialism worked hard as fuck without having a choice in the matter (parents are from Romania) and he is at a level of lazy that I can not describe.
- Very pro putting social political messages in games/movies and books.
- Totally ignores his son education, the boy was hurting my grandmas dog and he did not care - I mean take him to a doctor behavior not just pull her by the tail. Luckily his wife is a huge capitalist fan, conservative, daughter of an ortodox priest so the kid will be fine.
- Hates J.K. Rowling now :)) I wonder why as he used to be a fan. I chuckled at this one.
- And the worst part he apparently hates me for not being miserable - not kidding. Just because I like what I do (although the company is "progressive"), I love my beautiful wife and I watch my health apparently is somehow privilege although we are brothers and had the same start.
Conclusion: He apparently developed some kind of kinks I do not want to know. He is doing poorly at his job because he is lazy and would rather read then do his work. Hates society and anyone who is happy. Hates being a white male. And wants everyone to be miserable and remove the opportunity to be successful from others. How high does this rank on a SJW scale?
Bonus: What my grandma has to say about socialism: If you are in a point in life where someone else tells you what to do and what to think then you are the same as dead. (is a rough translation from Romanian)
No no, that fits. People into socialism do not want to work. They want everything provided to them by a generous benefactor like a parent or a government. They do not understand wealth creation and think that instead of being generated through hard work, it is some finite, static quantity. The result of this mindset is that they view wealthy people as greedy thieves who won't share (no one is better than anyone else in quality or effort, so it can't be that they worked harder or smarter), and poor people as oppressed products of their circumstances without agency of any kind. (they are projecting their belief in their own lack of agency, hence their laziness)
Your grandma is based btw, love that quote from her.
Thank you, I do love my grandma. In fact I recently named my baby daughter after her.
"Grandma" is a very odd name choice for a baby ?
That is middle name first one is Victoria