Sometimes I wonder if smartphones and mass computerization were a mistake. On one hand, it allows idiots and malefactors to spread their message and do their evil on a massive scale not imagined years before.
On the other hand, it allows the truth to spread even factor than before and to break through the MSM grip on information. Without the Internet and computers (and maybe my smartphone), I am willing to bet many of us won't be red-pilled in the first place.
I'm starting to think Kaczynski was wrong. The internet has enabled memes to evolve faster than ever. By linking the commies together in a shared space, the could evolve rapidly enough to make the matrix salient. It's not the truth that is freeing us. It is being bombarded with increasingly insane propaganda in real time while witnessing the truth with your own eyes.
Sometimes I wonder if smartphones and mass computerization were a mistake. On one hand, it allows idiots and malefactors to spread their message and do their evil on a massive scale not imagined years before.
On the other hand, it allows the truth to spread even factor than before and to break through the MSM grip on information. Without the Internet and computers (and maybe my smartphone), I am willing to bet many of us won't be red-pilled in the first place.
I'm starting to think Kaczynski was wrong. The internet has enabled memes to evolve faster than ever. By linking the commies together in a shared space, the could evolve rapidly enough to make the matrix salient. It's not the truth that is freeing us. It is being bombarded with increasingly insane propaganda in real time while witnessing the truth with your own eyes.