What games are y’all playing? Suggestions/Reviews/Thoughts? Hyped up for anything and want to share? I’ve been devouring Dragon Quest XI and Little Witch Nobeta, needed an RPG fix badly! DQ actually greatly benefits from whatever graphic engine they are using, the cartoony style for Toriyama design is great (although he keeps reusing the same faces/archetypes for everything). Nobeta actually harder than dark souls for me, I can’t parry to save my life and am still stuck at the second boss. Also picked up SinOAlice because why not, peeps are still in quarantine here anyway.
Also, can we get a Vidya tag, please?
I've had to stop playing Dota finally after this bullshit cancel culture on Tobi and Grant.
Motherfucking GrandGrant, the heart and soul of NA Dota, canceled over drunken sex and literal handholding. Dude worked his way up out of alcoholism and working at Walmart and now he's completely fucked by some fucking thots.
Allowing women into gaming was a mistake. Especially esport scenes when all they offer is their body (cosplay), because they're not good enough to play or even analyze at the high level
The Redeye one annoyed me most, they brought the wife and kids into it. Social justice is mob justice and mob justice can go fuck itself.