posted ago by ChillBinging ago by ChillBinging +87 / -0

Its relatively unsurprising for those who've ever paid attention to the guy's online presence at all. To paraphrase: He's basically been saying that the controversy was overblown, and hopes that the game sells well (and is glad that it seems to be in his eyes) and blocking anyone who criticizes him after mocking them.


What I find funny is that he's trying to say that "normal people don't care about the controversy" and speak for them... while having over 250k tweets on his Twitter account.

There's nothing to defend about the game. Even if you think the controversy is overblown, its still a steaming pile of boring garbage as a product that continues Ubisoft's cancerous trends of anti-consumer garbage. Hoping such a product "does well" is pathetic on his part.

In my personal opinion: Dude's a hack, sellout and a loud sperg who blocks everyone he sees (this has been a thing he's done for at least a decade now). He sold PlatinumGames out to the chinks and then he abandoned it after they obviously started failing afterwards. Maybe he's hoping for some funding in the future from the west with how big of a westaboo he is, that's my only guess because there's no real reason to defend Ubisoft here.