So in another topic someone said im a newfag to anime, because i talk about the most mainstream anime Frieren a lot and listed off the most mainstream anime as something right wing normies would like, and then said that to know who are the more experianced anime fans you need to ask them what the mid anime are that nobody else really knows about and he listed of Buso Renkin.
Little did he know ,i've read the Buso Renkin manga decades ago.
So how many people here are "elite otakus" that have seen the anime, watched the manga or even heard of Buso Renkin since apparently its now a metric for "elite otaku" status?.
if anyone wants to question my otaku credentials more, I'd also like to list off another obscure manga called "Hoshin Engi" that i read which that most people probably haven't heard of. Hoshin Engi is pretty popular in Japan but not well known in the West,
I've been watching/reading anime and manga since 20 years ago, im not a newfag to it
Lol, nothing screams newfag more than getting super pissy at someone calling you a newfag and needing a bunch of strangers on the internet to validate you in a penis measuring contest.
Glad I could make you this mad though, newfag. Especially by simply listing off some random mid series I saw a long time ago.
Oh so because i correct you on your bullshit accusations you made because you were upset that i said i didn't want more tourists in the anime community whether from the woke left or the overly conservative Christian right who would both demand censorship, that must mean your accusations are correct? is that how it works?
That's a lot of words to say "I can't handle bants and through a hissy fit if people don't agree with me."
You act like a newfag larping, it doesn't matter if its true or not if the end result is the same sad little individual.
And yet, you spam post this site like a tourist.
Remember when you knew next to nothing about AssCreed and admitted it, then turned around days later to lecture everyone about how it was always woke and are still spamming every random image you can find about it?
Guess its not being a tourist if you do it.