I used to live with 5 liberals in what used to be a crack house, because the rent was a third of what I was paying before. One of them was a schizophrenic who had no job and lived off welfare. He was like maybe 140 lbs. All he ever ate was stuff he got with food stamps, which primarily consisted of 7/11 convenience store food and Chef Boyardee soup containers. Not a full can of soup, just the little tiny ones that you would find at a CVS pharmacy or a Wawa.
There is nothing nutritional about our food stamp program.
Dr. Mark Hyman explains to Tucker how the taxpayer is funding the chronic disease epidemic in the US:
"There is no N in SNAP"
There are a lot more crazy statistics shared in this episode about our food system, this is just a small highlight that was shocking to me.
I used to live with 5 liberals in what used to be a crack house, because the rent was a third of what I was paying before. One of them was a schizophrenic who had no job and lived off welfare. He was like maybe 140 lbs. All he ever ate was stuff he got with food stamps, which primarily consisted of 7/11 convenience store food and Chef Boyardee soup containers. Not a full can of soup, just the little tiny ones that you would find at a CVS pharmacy or a Wawa.
I have no idea how he didn't die of malnutrition.