''Gender rolls are embraced and everyone is happier for it'', from what I know Japan has a huge issue with feminism, their men are socially retarded and/or overworked and have no time to pursuit the women, so as a result they are either shut in hermits, alcoholics or hanging bodies in that famous forest of theirs. It has to be the anime giving you non japs this romanticized view of Japan because modern Japan is by most means a failed country.
''Gender rolls are embraced and everyone is happier for it'', from what I know Japan has a huge issue with feminism, their men are socially retarded and/or overworked and have no time to pursuit the women, so as a result they are either shut in hermits, alcoholics or hanging bodies in that famous forest of theirs. It has to be the anime giving you non japs this romanticized view of Japan because modern Japan is by most means a failed country.