The boomers are truly the most selfish generation that exists, I tried explaining to a boomer the other day that if they shut down social security and did a buyout (paid you back what you paid in) they would make more money than they will ever receive from SS. They immediately became defensive and said “they paid into it for years so they deserve it”. Second round of buyout explanation ensues. The next sentence was “well I’d have millions if I’d invested it myself”. Cool story, we can’t undo you being dumb and voting democrat your entire life, but you can unfuck the social security clusterfuck for every other generation. “But I need it now”. Then third round of trying to explain the buyout. “But I could have more money if it was fixed when I was younger”. You should have voted for it. Then they shut down the conversation. They truly are the TV generation where their entire thought process came scripted and curated, they can’t even comprehend ending a horrible policy because they were told it would give them more money. Same with the infinity immigration they pushed because more money. Same with the intentional housing scarcity. On and on. There’s not one single brain cell that doesn’t operate on “well I’m going to get mine” even to their own detriment.
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The next candidate to run on what you just said will win. Boomers are dying off and no longer have the political clout they once had. If I wanted to win I would go right for the throat and vow to fuck boomers over, rob them of their social security, cut them off cold, and pay out the younger generations everything they paid into it already and close the program down for good. You'd get every vote from the 55 and younger crowd. It's time to 80/20 the boomers into political irrelevance. I'd drive a delicate wedge between boomers and every other younger generation for the sole purpose of highlighting all the other shitty policies boomers support. It would basically create new neural pathways in people, letting them finally comprehend reality.