The boomers are truly the most selfish generation that exists, I tried explaining to a boomer the other day that if they shut down social security and did a buyout (paid you back what you paid in) they would make more money than they will ever receive from SS. They immediately became defensive and said “they paid into it for years so they deserve it”. Second round of buyout explanation ensues. The next sentence was “well I’d have millions if I’d invested it myself”. Cool story, we can’t undo you being dumb and voting democrat your entire life, but you can unfuck the social security clusterfuck for every other generation. “But I need it now”. Then third round of trying to explain the buyout. “But I could have more money if it was fixed when I was younger”. You should have voted for it. Then they shut down the conversation. They truly are the TV generation where their entire thought process came scripted and curated, they can’t even comprehend ending a horrible policy because they were told it would give them more money. Same with the infinity immigration they pushed because more money. Same with the intentional housing scarcity. On and on. There’s not one single brain cell that doesn’t operate on “well I’m going to get mine” even to their own detriment.
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“But muh social science conjecture!”
The asch experiment showed that the majority are above outside influence, not your claim. The audacity to pretend there aren’t massive fluctuations in this based on sex, race and nationality is also completely contradictory to every single study on this. This is shown repeatedly on agreeable/ disagreeable studies that women are 2:1 over men on agreeableness. Just like people with lower/ mid IQs tend to be more conforming than higher IQs. The same is seen with people who have an internal monologue are more disagreeable than those without one.
Wrong, you made a false assumption about my claim and poorly absorbed the data.
Those fluctuations absolutely exist, but they are counted within the 38% who are sentient.
Uh, yeah. That's called overlap. Same separation of sentience vs non. Both cross sections (asch has been repeated far more times than any study into internal monologues) imply that some humans are simply not independent entities capable of free thought. And both seem to imply that number is well above 50%.
You can go back further if you like, and Plato was saying the same thing about the cave.
The number of people who are not capable of free thought or "disagreement" remains the same across all subtypes. It's in the actual freethinker range that you find the additional differences.
Maybe learn to read, the 38% were those who the study WAS ABLE TO INFLUENCE.
They don’t. In fact that number is only a majority when you COUNT ON A GLOBAL SCALE. Again you can’t read or even understand the study you tried citing.