Apparently Boris did go, but never told the Ukrainians not to sign the deal, they were already not going to sign the deal. Constantin looked up the video which supposedly stands as proof of this "Kremlin talking point" and because he could understand the Russian, apparently no such thing was said. But anyway
Not even half way in, and he's basically already said why I don't imagine we're actually going to get a cessation of hostilities.
When talking about what Ukraine will have to do to stop hostilities, Boris says they'll to come to the understanding that they'll have to give up the territories - TEMPORARILY - until they're strong enough to take them back.
So blatantly out in the open, from former British PM, we have full confirmation that whatever this is, will just be another Minsk agreement to buy Ukraine time to re-arm
I hate left-wing revanchists. What they all have in common is that they want to "take back" things that were never theirs to begin with, from "decolonising" the native homeland of the British people, to Communist China wanting to invade Taiwan, to the post-revolution Ukrainian government wanting to finish their conquest of the Ukraine-that-was.