Honestly, calling in an emergency SWAT response should probably require some sort of an ID being given at this point. I can't imagine the ratio of legitimate emergencies to fakes being all that good at this point.
I'm not saying it's a good idea, but when the system is this easy to abuse, what's the solution?
If there's no barriers at all, the number of fakes will eventually far outstrip the real calls (if they haven't already) as society becomes more low trust, and then you'll end up with a farce of a system.
Not to mention the amount of money and resources that are wasted with each SWATing.
Honestly, calling in an emergency SWAT response should probably require some sort of an ID being given at this point. I can't imagine the ratio of legitimate emergencies to fakes being all that good at this point.
I'm not saying it's a good idea, but when the system is this easy to abuse, what's the solution?
If there's no barriers at all, the number of fakes will eventually far outstrip the real calls (if they haven't already) as society becomes more low trust, and then you'll end up with a farce of a system.
Not to mention the amount of money and resources that are wasted with each SWATing.