Shockingly the gypses are not as high of a percentage as people believe.
Bulgaria has 4-5%, Romania 3%, Hungary 3%, Poland 0,02%
Was listening to a youtube documentary on gypses a while back and apparently gypses did not know they were from India because they had no written language. Someone came with the idea they came from Egypt and they went with that until DNA tests been done. So I doubt they even speak the same language as the place they came from. On top of that, communists "encouraged" interbreeding with the local population. This is the reason why you can find blue eyed, white skin gypses (I actually know such a case).
I assume the next globalist change is to turn Easter Europe in to a pajeet colony?
Join force with their long lost cousins
Shockingly the gypses are not as high of a percentage as people believe.
Bulgaria has 4-5%, Romania 3%, Hungary 3%, Poland 0,02%
Was listening to a youtube documentary on gypses a while back and apparently gypses did not know they were from India because they had no written language. Someone came with the idea they came from Egypt and they went with that until DNA tests been done. So I doubt they even speak the same language as the place they came from. On top of that, communists "encouraged" interbreeding with the local population. This is the reason why you can find blue eyed, white skin gypses (I actually know such a case).