"call the 22yo guy who thinks the 16yo he saw on the beach in a bikini is hot a pedo. To the point where they even call any man in his 30s who is attracted to even an 18 legal adult a pedo."
And they won't take into account when, not if, the 18-year-old "girl" has been whoring around for years (hopefully no more than a few years, preferably two if there must be an "s" at the end of "years") but the guy is a kissless virgin who needed to work on becoming good husband material first by making money (that women have multiple options of not making, first, in order to find a decent man).
Most 18-year-old American guys shouldn't be having sex, unless they somehow have lots of money or resources at such a young age. This is precisely why a 30-year-old guy is entitled to a much younger woman; most women his own age are already married, or are whores*, or are divorced, and generally are not mother material. It makes sense if a guy is a 30-year-old virgin: modern women's standards are idiotic and delusional. If a woman is 30 years old and a virgin she generally deserves less sympathy, as she will almost never be called a creep or accused of "harassing" a "poor guy" with her "creepiness".
And enough of shaming a 22 year old guy for losing his virginity to an 18-year-old high school senior graduating in a few months with the "she's still in high school!" nonsense. Like graduating from government-enforced indoctrination camps at at 12th grade is some rite of passage that officially makes young women competent for sex, and she's a few months away from being qualified for your virgin 22-year old ass.
ASTERISK section:
*If you had sex outside of marriage once, or at least not in a very committed relationship, you are a whore/slut, and I say the same of any man.
The reason why "slut-shaming" is seen as a thing that is mistreating women, and not men, why it is a "double standard", is because women are the upholders of that double standard, Women and the small amount of men who are successfully promiscuous.
It is primarily some women who are okay with men being sluts, until it directly affects them. Until their hot boytoy who they delusionally believe is their exclusive partner, goes and fucks a younger woman.
Any man who is not a womanizer alpha male "Chad", who then celebrates such male promiscuity being done with lots of women, is a cuck.
"call the 22yo guy who thinks the 16yo he saw on the beach in a bikini is hot a pedo. To the point where they even call any man in his 30s who is attracted to even an 18 legal adult a pedo."
And they won't take into account when, not if, the 18-year-old "girl" has been whoring around for years (hopefully no more than a few years, preferably two if there must be an "s" at the end of "years") but the guy is a kissless virgin who needed to work on becoming good husband material first by making money (that women have multiple options of not making, first, in order to find a decent man).
Most 18-year-old American guys shouldn't be having sex, unless they somehow have lots of money or resources at such a young age. This is precisely why a 30-year-old guy is entitled to a much younger woman; most women his own age are already married, or are whores*, or are divorced, and generally are not mother material. It makes sense if a guy is a 30-year-old virgin: modern women's standards are idiotic and delusional. If a woman is 30 years old and a virgin she generally deserves less sympathy, as she will almost never be called a creep or accused of "harassing" a "poor guy" with her "creepiness".
And enough of shaming a 22 year old guy for losing his virginity to an 18-year-old high school senior graduating in a few months with the "she's still in high school!" nonsense. Like graduating from government-enforced indoctrination camps at at 12th grade is some rite of passage that officially makes young women competent for sex, and she's a few months away from being qualified for your virgin 22-year old ass.
ASTERISK section: *If you had sex outside of marriage once, or at least not in a very committed relationship, you are a whore/slut, and I say the same of any man.
The reason why "slut-shaming" is seen as a thing that is mistreating women, and not men, why it is a "double standard", is because women are the upholders of that double standard, Women and the small amount of men who are successfully promiscuous.
It is primarily some women who are okay with men being sluts, until it directly affects them. Until their hot boytoy who they delusionally believe is their exclusive partner, goes and fucks a younger woman.
Any man who is not a womanizer alpha male "Chad", who then celebrates such male promiscuity being done with lots of women, is a cuck.