Massie strikes me as the same sort of guy as Rand Paul. Right on a lot of issues, but also prone to making perfect the enemy of good. Nothing would get done if Massie was president.
Libertarian here and yeah, we're kinda notorious for that. We're policy wonks and principle hard-liners and I'm not so naive as to say it doesn't have its problems. Dave Smith criticizes it all the time, talking about libertarians who balk at tax cuts because "anything above 0% taxation is unacceptable." Technically right but not practical and politics is all about give and take. That's one thing I think Trump absolutely gets and is good at - he's all about making deals and negotiating so everyone (in theory) comes out a winner.
Massie strikes me as the same sort of guy as Rand Paul. Right on a lot of issues, but also prone to making perfect the enemy of good. Nothing would get done if Massie was president.
Libertarian here and yeah, we're kinda notorious for that. We're policy wonks and principle hard-liners and I'm not so naive as to say it doesn't have its problems. Dave Smith criticizes it all the time, talking about libertarians who balk at tax cuts because "anything above 0% taxation is unacceptable." Technically right but not practical and politics is all about give and take. That's one thing I think Trump absolutely gets and is good at - he's all about making deals and negotiating so everyone (in theory) comes out a winner.