Flopping around on the ground like fucking children. They drag society down in every single place they ever appear. I have more respect for the 80 IQ Mohammedans because they can't help their behavior; these shitlibs know exactly what they're doing and the relish the inconvenience they inflict upon others.
Suck my ass you smug faggot, I never mentioned child rape. I'm glad to know that's the first thing that comes to your mind, though, now I know for sure what a vile and disgusting person you are. Kill yourself immediately and stop burdening the rest of us with your presence. You're as bad as these Leftists putting words in to all our mouths.
Flopping around on the ground like fucking children. They drag society down in every single place they ever appear. I have more respect for the 80 IQ Mohammedans because they can't help their behavior; these shitlibs know exactly what they're doing and the relish the inconvenience they inflict upon others.
Stop making excuses for child rape just because 'muh 80 IQ'. Stop removing agency from people who are being explicitly anti-moral.
Suck my ass you smug faggot, I never mentioned child rape. I'm glad to know that's the first thing that comes to your mind, though, now I know for sure what a vile and disgusting person you are. Kill yourself immediately and stop burdening the rest of us with your presence. You're as bad as these Leftists putting words in to all our mouths.