For 50 years, we’ve been hearing from men who feel threatened by the gains of women and minorities.
Because they weren't fucking earned, and some aspects go against basic human rights and the Constitution. The Civil Rights Act is an abomination.
And it's not about feeling threatened, it's about the fact certain bad actors installed a system that discriminates actively against us, and wants us eventually wiped out or at least completely irrelevant. It's not feelings, it's an actually unjust system.
When one enjoys a position of privilege, being treated equally seems like discrimination.
I wish I could get away with being treated like children with kid gloves by government and society, but White males are supposed to shut up and take being relegated to second class citizen status.
Blacks and women "making gains" is DEI at the expense of productive White males, always has been.
And we know who is behind it all, Schrodinger's White. People like Lipman.
When one enjoys a position of privilege, being treated equally seems like discrimination.
It's amazing how that's usually said by leftists, who have a bunch of systems in place that actually advantage them. Yeah, I totally want to listen to someone tell me how women and nonwhites have equality, and that's what's "threatening" to whites. Equality would be great...but, as you say, would feel like oppression to the privileged hateful bastards running society at the moment.
Because they weren't fucking earned, and some aspects go against basic human rights and the Constitution. The Civil Rights Act is an abomination.
And it's not about feeling threatened, it's about the fact certain bad actors installed a system that discriminates actively against us, and wants us eventually wiped out or at least completely irrelevant. It's not feelings, it's an actually unjust system.
When one enjoys a position of privilege, being treated equally seems like discrimination.
I wish I could get away with being treated like children with kid gloves by government and society, but White males are supposed to shut up and take being relegated to second class citizen status.
Blacks and women "making gains" is DEI at the expense of productive White males, always has been.
And we know who is behind it all, Schrodinger's White. People like Lipman.
It's amazing how that's usually said by leftists, who have a bunch of systems in place that actually advantage them. Yeah, I totally want to listen to someone tell me how women and nonwhites have equality, and that's what's "threatening" to whites. Equality would be great...but, as you say, would feel like oppression to the privileged hateful bastards running society at the moment.