This has to be the porn to pervert pipeline, no? I don't wanna see porn banned, but fuck. This kinda degeneracy is becoming too commonplace. Keep porn shameful.
It's unclear to me how much it's porn to pervert to troon, and how much it's autism to troon to porn pervert troon. Especially since autism is presumably over-represented in discord moderators.
There are definitely a lot of autistic men/boys who get convinced their social weirdness is actually because they're a cute girl inside and if they just take these drugs they'll become a socially normal kawaii girl just like in their anime. Then once they're in, the "support groups" are essentially industrialized grooming, and they end up crazy perverts. Some of the screenshots I saw a while back from one of the kiwifarms vs. crazy tranny episodes was pretty eye-opening. These people are able to operate in the open and in huge numbers to push some really extreme degeneracy- in this case it was how to make bathtub hormones, or "girl juice" as they call it- and banning that shit, and everyone who participated in it, would definitely be a great first step, possibly more effective, and definitely easier, than banning porn.
That and early porn introduction. Remember Elsagate? Turns out some kids around that age group exposed to said content developed odd fetishes around 13.
It wasn't this out of control before widespread high speed internet became a thing. Before you actually had to buy tapes and magazines, and keep a low profile doing so.
Now everyone and their Grandmas can access this smut.
Just a name I ended up making up on my Nintendo DS for pictochat. I remembered I had got a new one, put the name on it, and took my older beat up one with a broken hinge, put it in front of my (now deceased) cat, and pretended to chat with her.
When men used to talk about porn they kinda did it in a "eh eh?" sorta deal. Like you'd give your bro a nudge when you joke about something porn-related and that was about it.
I don't know when it went from that which was talked about in jest to turning into this full blown degeneracy where it simply isn't enough for anyone, and it gets to a point it starts becoming a part of a degenerate's identity.
This has to be the porn to pervert pipeline, no? I don't wanna see porn banned, but fuck. This kinda degeneracy is becoming too commonplace. Keep porn shameful.
It's unclear to me how much it's porn to pervert to troon, and how much it's autism to troon to porn pervert troon. Especially since autism is presumably over-represented in discord moderators.
There are definitely a lot of autistic men/boys who get convinced their social weirdness is actually because they're a cute girl inside and if they just take these drugs they'll become a socially normal kawaii girl just like in their anime. Then once they're in, the "support groups" are essentially industrialized grooming, and they end up crazy perverts. Some of the screenshots I saw a while back from one of the kiwifarms vs. crazy tranny episodes was pretty eye-opening. These people are able to operate in the open and in huge numbers to push some really extreme degeneracy- in this case it was how to make bathtub hormones, or "girl juice" as they call it- and banning that shit, and everyone who participated in it, would definitely be a great first step, possibly more effective, and definitely easier, than banning porn.
That and early porn introduction. Remember Elsagate? Turns out some kids around that age group exposed to said content developed odd fetishes around 13.
It wasn't this out of control before widespread high speed internet became a thing. Before you actually had to buy tapes and magazines, and keep a low profile doing so.
Now everyone and their Grandmas can access this smut.
What's with your name tho man?
Just a name I ended up making up on my Nintendo DS for pictochat. I remembered I had got a new one, put the name on it, and took my older beat up one with a broken hinge, put it in front of my (now deceased) cat, and pretended to chat with her.
When men used to talk about porn they kinda did it in a "eh eh?" sorta deal. Like you'd give your bro a nudge when you joke about something porn-related and that was about it.
I don't know when it went from that which was talked about in jest to turning into this full blown degeneracy where it simply isn't enough for anyone, and it gets to a point it starts becoming a part of a degenerate's identity.
Banning porn before restoring gender relations may backfire.