posted ago by norwegianwikin ago by norwegianwikin +15 / -0

News seems to be out, Ukraine has settled a deal with the US over mineral rights. Trumps opening offer of $500 billion was negotiated down to a more reasonable sum. And its telling that noone seems to have read his Art of the Deal yet.

But it made me think along new lines. The US through Vances speech clearly stated that there exist now no real ideological reason for the US to expend treasure through taxpayer money, or life through their children, in defending European nations that abandoned both the shared values and the ability to actually participate militarily in NATO.

But with actual value on the table, the military might of the US may be back in play. No longer will the US spend its men and money on defending nations that have left themselves helpless and fallen to rabid left wing politics, unless they pay for the privilege.

We are entering a new era, and it may become one that reflects history closer than we expected.