The games are examples only, I’m asking in the general sense and even beyond games into movies or books or whatever - where do you draw the line?
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If you wish to "boycott" anything over anything then that is your prerogative and you shouldn't let people talk you out of, or into to it. Read their reasoning, try to find the truth, make a decision.
For my part the gay stuff is off-putting but not enough to not buy because allegedly it's an option you'd have to pursue in-game to actually encounter. If they had some gay developers saying "look at this gay stuff" would make it worse, I mean more than they are already.
I'm not buying because while KCD was a fantastic technical achievement I sucked way too much at the combat and am not keen for more. I had to cheese my way though the early story mission where you rescue the guy you can now turn into your best bottom buddy. Eventually I got bored after losing to bandits in the wild and thought that was enough.
[EDIT] Two final points. I have enough games to be playing I don't really need to buy more. I don't really think the default inaction of not-buying counts as a boycott.