RFK in, Tusli in, Kash in.
I haven't been this optimistic about the country since Obama was elected. That turned out to be a huge disaster, so hopefully my judgement now is better informed.
RFK in, Tusli in, Kash in.
I haven't been this optimistic about the country since Obama was elected. That turned out to be a huge disaster, so hopefully my judgement now is better informed.
Sad part is Obama was probably better than McCain or Romney would have been
In all honesty it was probably for the best Obongo won, since that allowed time for frustration with Democrats to build up. Those 2 would've caused major damage to the Republican party that Trump might not have been able to overcome otherwise.
Trump was always running as the underdog so if the Republicans won in '08 or '12 then he would have ran as a Democrat instead.
It's not that simple though. The structure of the Dem primaries is much more conducive to being rigged against someone the big donors don't want. It would have been much more difficult to get in through the Dems. Not to mention just how different his platform would have needed to be.
You think the democratic platform would've allowed him in? The Republicans in his own party already showed him plenty of resistance back in 2016, the Democrats would have been far worse about keeping him out, let alone that his policies are pretty much the exact opposite of what a 2010s democrat would've wanted.
I don't know that this was true... His policies were almost exactly what Obama ran on, what Kerry ran on, what Gore ran on, and what Clinton ran on. He just wasn't as diplomatic about it.
I liked what he was saying in '16, I just figured he was another rich demagogue who didn't mean it. I didn't think he was Hitler, just that he wasn't sincere. It was probably only because of Gamergate that I had become completely disillusioned with the mainstream media so I no longer trusted their smears, otherwise I would have likely believed the lies told about him and hell, might have even repeated the "she's the most qualified candidate ever" mantra.
Actually, nah. She was awful. That was evident to anyone who listened to her.