Assuming there was a covid 19 virus here at all. I’m hesitant on that one for good reason, but if I look at the situation from an unbiased standpoint, all signs point to the virus being a gigantic psyop. Most people find the psyop idea too hard to believe, but is it really? We know for a fact the placebo effect can have real impacts on health, I’d assume it could even kill a person on occasion if their beliefs are strong enough, just as belief can probably cure cancer on occasion, or even give a paraplegic person new nerve growth and an ability to walk again if they truly believe prayers are helping or that they’ll beat paralysis after being told they’ll never walk again. ZOG’s worldwide conned the majority of people into thinking the virus was real by using millions of false positives to make the majority believe they’ve personally contracted the virus at some point. Sooner or later with millions of people testing positive, some are going to contract real flus and colds at the same time, some will be elderly and they will die from those sicknesses as they do every year in the thousands, bolstering the idea that the covid 19 virus is real. Not to mention, you didn’t even need to have symptoms for government to consider you a covid 19 death so long as you had a positive test within a few months of your death, they often deemed it a covid 19 death regardless of the real cause. There were people clearly dying of preexisting comorbidities, and the healthcare industry was labelling them as covid 19 deaths, there were car accident victims being labelled covid 19 deaths, the healthcare industry was out of control because there was a monetary incentive involved to say their patients died of covid 19. We had people dying from remdesivir and improper use of ventilators for sure, and they were all being labelled covid 19 deaths. With millions of positive tests out there, the likelihood that some people would develop actual symptoms (which included symptoms of every common sickness there was for covid 19), people were sure to believe they had the virus for real when it was just a common cold or flu, their symptoms would probably even feel potentially deadly just because they believe they’re infected with a super deadly virus. Some of those people’s mind’s literally created symptoms out of thin air when they weren’t sick with anything because that’s what the placebo effect will lead to on occasion. Bottom line, If gov can’t technically test for viral infection with a PCR test as Mulls said, and the average age of death for alleged U.S. covid victims at the time was 78 years old, which just so happened to be the average average lifespan of an American back in 2020, it sure looks like a psyop. Combine that with all early Covid patients in China dropping to the ground and convulsing on video before they died of covid, which never happened anywhere else, those vids had to have been faked, they were propaganda vids being deliberately put on reddit to maximize fear in the US just before the alleged virus got here….if they faked the Chinese vids intentionally, it’s safe to say the entire thing was faked, and every ZOG in existence was participating in the lie at a high level, while using false positives to create the illusion of a virus, and monetary incentive to boost the numbers of covid related deaths…..which is why Mullis had to die before the virus ever hit the U.S., he would’ve hurt their narrative big time since the entire idea that we were living through a pandemic was based on his test. What’s funny is that the places who were basically free of the virus were black nations who are way to dysfunctional to even coordinate a fake virus campaign like what we saw in the west.
Covid was quite obviously a hoax. You can even prove it by simply looking at the Italian data. It's important to look at Italy, because that's the one '1st World' nation where the virus was allowed to proliferate without masking etc for several weeks, so there are no confounding variables.
Still, you could use a few line breaks in your write-up!
There was an article from July 2021 put out by Johns Hopkins saying “ Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.”
And this:
"All of this points to no evidence that COVID-19 created any excess deaths. Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers. We found no evidence to the contrary, Briand concluded”.
Pretty evident there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary going on based on the findings of Johns Hopkins researchers during the height of “the pandemic”.
You could look at the fact that the average age of death for Covid victims matched up to the average lifespan in every nation, because nothing out of the ordinary was going on health wise, aside from people not going to their routine checkups and not going to hospitals unless it was an emergency, which no doubt led to a tens of thousands of extra deaths globally, along with the remdesivir and improper use of the ventilators also killing thousands.
Assuming there was a covid 19 virus here at all. I’m hesitant on that one for good reason, but if I look at the situation from an unbiased standpoint, all signs point to the virus being a gigantic psyop. Most people find the psyop idea too hard to believe, but is it really? We know for a fact the placebo effect can have real impacts on health, I’d assume it could even kill a person on occasion if their beliefs are strong enough, just as belief can probably cure cancer on occasion, or even give a paraplegic person new nerve growth and an ability to walk again if they truly believe prayers are helping or that they’ll beat paralysis after being told they’ll never walk again. ZOG’s worldwide conned the majority of people into thinking the virus was real by using millions of false positives to make the majority believe they’ve personally contracted the virus at some point. Sooner or later with millions of people testing positive, some are going to contract real flus and colds at the same time, some will be elderly and they will die from those sicknesses as they do every year in the thousands, bolstering the idea that the covid 19 virus is real. Not to mention, you didn’t even need to have symptoms for government to consider you a covid 19 death so long as you had a positive test within a few months of your death, they often deemed it a covid 19 death regardless of the real cause. There were people clearly dying of preexisting comorbidities, and the healthcare industry was labelling them as covid 19 deaths, there were car accident victims being labelled covid 19 deaths, the healthcare industry was out of control because there was a monetary incentive involved to say their patients died of covid 19. We had people dying from remdesivir and improper use of ventilators for sure, and they were all being labelled covid 19 deaths. With millions of positive tests out there, the likelihood that some people would develop actual symptoms (which included symptoms of every common sickness there was for covid 19), people were sure to believe they had the virus for real when it was just a common cold or flu, their symptoms would probably even feel potentially deadly just because they believe they’re infected with a super deadly virus. Some of those people’s mind’s literally created symptoms out of thin air when they weren’t sick with anything because that’s what the placebo effect will lead to on occasion. Bottom line, If gov can’t technically test for viral infection with a PCR test as Mulls said, and the average age of death for alleged U.S. covid victims at the time was 78 years old, which just so happened to be the average average lifespan of an American back in 2020, it sure looks like a psyop. Combine that with all early Covid patients in China dropping to the ground and convulsing on video before they died of covid, which never happened anywhere else, those vids had to have been faked, they were propaganda vids being deliberately put on reddit to maximize fear in the US just before the alleged virus got here….if they faked the Chinese vids intentionally, it’s safe to say the entire thing was faked, and every ZOG in existence was participating in the lie at a high level, while using false positives to create the illusion of a virus, and monetary incentive to boost the numbers of covid related deaths…..which is why Mullis had to die before the virus ever hit the U.S., he would’ve hurt their narrative big time since the entire idea that we were living through a pandemic was based on his test. What’s funny is that the places who were basically free of the virus were black nations who are way to dysfunctional to even coordinate a fake virus campaign like what we saw in the west.
Covid was quite obviously a hoax. You can even prove it by simply looking at the Italian data. It's important to look at Italy, because that's the one '1st World' nation where the virus was allowed to proliferate without masking etc for several weeks, so there are no confounding variables.
Still, you could use a few line breaks in your write-up!
There was an article from July 2021 put out by Johns Hopkins saying “ Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.” And this: "All of this points to no evidence that COVID-19 created any excess deaths. Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers. We found no evidence to the contrary, Briand concluded”. Pretty evident there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary going on based on the findings of Johns Hopkins researchers during the height of “the pandemic”.
You could look at the fact that the average age of death for Covid victims matched up to the average lifespan in every nation, because nothing out of the ordinary was going on health wise, aside from people not going to their routine checkups and not going to hospitals unless it was an emergency, which no doubt led to a tens of thousands of extra deaths globally, along with the remdesivir and improper use of the ventilators also killing thousands.