where to begin... fifty shades... twilight... anita blake, vampire hunter....an entire genre of trashy romance novels often colloquially referred to as "bodice rippers," so named for the women on the front covers often having their tops ripped off by half naked men... the list goes on...
So many of those urban fantasy paranormal book series! If it's written by a woman, it's almost certainly that kind of porn shit where everyone man (and male creature) fucks the main female character.
It's so bad, because I want more good urban fantasy.
where to begin... fifty shades... twilight... anita blake, vampire hunter....an entire genre of trashy romance novels often colloquially referred to as "bodice rippers," so named for the women on the front covers often having their tops ripped off by half naked men... the list goes on...
So many of those urban fantasy paranormal book series! If it's written by a woman, it's almost certainly that kind of porn shit where everyone man (and male creature) fucks the main female character.
It's so bad, because I want more good urban fantasy.
Hell yeah.