Pre summer of love everybody was pretty much in agreement that “diversity” (eg being color blind towards hiring) was a good thing. It wasn’t until BLM and the Floyd riots and then the indoctrination of communism as diversity that it was realized as an institutional power grab.
Now maybe it was always that way as part of the slow walk through the institutions but this was in no way Trump “supporting” wokeness from a pre-covid/pre-BLM ceremony. Especially when he had already stated that Transgenders weren’t allowed in the military.
I agree that Trump wasn’t ever “pro-woke,” but there’s no way “everybody was pretty much in agreement that ‘diversity’ (eg being color blind towards hiring) was a good thing” until they realized it was a grift after Floyd. I knew it was code for anti-white back in 2015, and I consider myself way late to the party politically (all I can say is that I was raised by leftists).
That’s really twisting what happened.
Pre summer of love everybody was pretty much in agreement that “diversity” (eg being color blind towards hiring) was a good thing. It wasn’t until BLM and the Floyd riots and then the indoctrination of communism as diversity that it was realized as an institutional power grab.
Now maybe it was always that way as part of the slow walk through the institutions but this was in no way Trump “supporting” wokeness from a pre-covid/pre-BLM ceremony. Especially when he had already stated that Transgenders weren’t allowed in the military.
The article doesn't talk about Trump itself, but it alleges that Betsy DeVos supported this crap.
DeVos resigned after Jan 6. I wouldn't put it past her.
I agree that Trump wasn’t ever “pro-woke,” but there’s no way “everybody was pretty much in agreement that ‘diversity’ (eg being color blind towards hiring) was a good thing” until they realized it was a grift after Floyd. I knew it was code for anti-white back in 2015, and I consider myself way late to the party politically (all I can say is that I was raised by leftists).