RFK Jr. may be conflating two things. Obviously, the 2014 coup was instigated by the US, but $5 billion is the total amount that the US spent between 1992 and 2014 to undermine Ukrainian sovereignty. At least, that is the amount that Victoria Nuland admitted to, and in fact, was bragging about. Something to remember the next time they start screaming about 'foreign interference'.
USAID has been playing a great role in Eastern Europe for a while now. I believe they were taking credit for writing the 1994 Russian constitution (which is still in force today), a rather autocratic and dictatorial document that US ally Boris Yeltsin forced through after he, with Western support, had tanks fire on the parliament. Because that is democracy.
RFK Jr. may be conflating two things. Obviously, the 2014 coup was instigated by the US, but $5 billion is the total amount that the US spent between 1992 and 2014 to undermine Ukrainian sovereignty. At least, that is the amount that Victoria Nuland admitted to, and in fact, was bragging about. Something to remember the next time they start screaming about 'foreign interference'.
Unfortunately, it does not take $5 billion to coup a government in a failed state like fake Ukraine. It took only $77 million to coup the government in Yugoslavia in 2000 by 'demonstrators' who set the parliament building on fire. Something to remember when they talk about the 'siege of the Capitol'.
USAID has been playing a great role in Eastern Europe for a while now. I believe they were taking credit for writing the 1994 Russian constitution (which is still in force today), a rather autocratic and dictatorial document that US ally Boris Yeltsin forced through after he, with Western support, had tanks fire on the parliament. Because that is democracy.
The shelling of the White House is insane to this day.
Democracy is when you Suka Blyat into government.