When the answer a lot closer to the truth is "no, women should be banned because most of them can't do it and it's not worth the risk. But it is still technically possible to find a rare one who can."
Well that's an uphill battle to make because you can say it's as true as you want, but it DOES go against a society that provides equality of opportunity under the law. It's easy to say that in a place like this where we generally agree on like, 75% of the things out there, but that's a really hard to make from a liberty-based standpoint because you are essentially saying half the population cannot participate in the governance of society, even if the laws that are passed may end up affecting them as well.
Again, I understand your argument and I generally agree with it, but I think part of the reason why you get automatic pushback is that you are suggesting something that is outside the Overton window of even most moderates out there. Many of the opinions of the people on this sub are a minority opinion, as much as you all refuse to admit. We just learn to figure out how to present the more palatable parts of our opinion to the rest of society through our discussions. Would any of you walk into a black neighborhood unarmed and yell at the top of your lungs that the 13/50 are violent thugs with no self control? Of course not, you'd get your ass beat or shot (which would prove their point unironically)
What you do is what the left did to slip their far left idpol bs into society, you make suggestions. You point out where the inconsistencies in their argument and try to appeal to their sense of morality. You don't suggest that women should not hold office, you can suggest that perhaps there's been a lot of women being put into DEI positions of power at these companies and these companies are losing money after that, I wonder why?
You got over half the population of the US embracing civic nationalism under the guise of keeping those violent illegal aliens out of the US. I know to some of you that isn't enough and more has to be done, but you don't sperg out in a cafeteria full of American born non-white students who agree with the other 80% of your ideology and proudly yell "Now get rid of the nonwhites". I know some of you fantasize about that shit, don't lie to me.
The fact of the matter is you're essentially telling them Earth revolves around the sun, when all this time they've been indoctrinated to think everything revolved around the Earth. Of course you're going to get pushback when you jump the shark of the Overton window.
Well that's an uphill battle to make because you can say it's as true as you want, but it DOES go against a society that provides equality of opportunity under the law. It's easy to say that in a place like this where we generally agree on like, 75% of the things out there, but that's a really hard to make from a liberty-based standpoint because you are essentially saying half the population cannot participate in the governance of society, even if the laws that are passed may end up affecting them as well.
Again, I understand your argument and I generally agree with it, but I think part of the reason why you get automatic pushback is that you are suggesting something that is outside the Overton window of even most moderates out there. Many of the opinions of the people on this sub are a minority opinion, as much as you all refuse to admit. We just learn to figure out how to present the more palatable parts of our opinion to the rest of society through our discussions. Would any of you walk into a black neighborhood unarmed and yell at the top of your lungs that the 13/50 are violent thugs with no self control? Of course not, you'd get your ass beat or shot (which would prove their point unironically)
What you do is what the left did to slip their far left idpol bs into society, you make suggestions. You point out where the inconsistencies in their argument and try to appeal to their sense of morality. You don't suggest that women should not hold office, you can suggest that perhaps there's been a lot of women being put into DEI positions of power at these companies and these companies are losing money after that, I wonder why?
You got over half the population of the US embracing civic nationalism under the guise of keeping those violent illegal aliens out of the US. I know to some of you that isn't enough and more has to be done, but you don't sperg out in a cafeteria full of American born non-white students who agree with the other 80% of your ideology and proudly yell "Now get rid of the nonwhites". I know some of you fantasize about that shit, don't lie to me.
The fact of the matter is you're essentially telling them Earth revolves around the sun, when all this time they've been indoctrinated to think everything revolved around the Earth. Of course you're going to get pushback when you jump the shark of the Overton window.