62 Reddit jannies throwing a fit bans all links to Twitter/X (media.scored.co) posted 1 month ago by GloboHomoErectus 1 month ago by GloboHomoErectus +63 / -1 13 comments share 13 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Don't forget Slashdot which just ran an article about how "DeCeNtRaLiZeD MeSsAgInG sYsTeMs ArE tEh BeStEsT pRoTeCtIoN fRoM OlIgArChS"
EG - Bluesky is the bestest evah!
And even in the comments the stupid leftists are arguing "What about blocking hate speech?!"
Ah slashdot, where I got introduced to linux and free software. Now they are just a bunch of dumb faggots.
Seriously, the breadth and depth of the faggotry over at slashdot makes our humble faggot jannie Dom look like an choir boy.