Seems like a case of cutting off your nose despite your face to give up materials that, to someone who doesn't know that much about DND appear to be prewoke, but I support your decision.
As long as is a thing, the corebook is optional (maybe even suboptimal, given hyperlinking.) Same with the rest of the books, tbh, which is why saying what he did is so ridiculous.
Books are optional and slower than digital. Be it local searchable pdfs or online srds. Paizo seems to have forgotten that they got by for a decade+ on people WANTING to support them. The very rules that let them continue 3.5 are the same rules keeping THEM from shutting down people hosting all their rules and mechanics.
Agree to disagree on that. A usb stick or sd card and you've duplicated your digital media and a jerk with cheeto fingers won't diminish your copy. Everyone at the table can have their own copy, etc.
yeah, but the solid state ICs degrades over time, books can deteriorate took, but much more slowly, especially if they're carefully preserved, plus a book isn't destroyed if something heavy is dropped on it =P
Seems like a case of cutting off your nose despite your face to give up materials that, to someone who doesn't know that much about DND appear to be prewoke, but I support your decision.
As long as is a thing, the corebook is optional (maybe even suboptimal, given hyperlinking.) Same with the rest of the books, tbh, which is why saying what he did is so ridiculous.
yeah, but physical media has value in and of itself, especially given the propensity for digital media to be scrubbed/altered at a moment's notice.
plus, and i realize some might want to debate this point, but there's the historical value to consider.
Good points, and why I acknowledge the mailing as a sacrifice at all.
Still gonna mail it.
Vandalize the book first, otherwise they're likely to just think, "score! Free swag from a bigot!"
Maybe put MAGA in red marker on the cover or something.
fair enough. You see it as important, and it's your property after all.
thanks for at least hearing me out, though. =) hopefully I wasn't too much of a dick, lol
Your concern wound up being moot; they didn't accept delivery.
I got my book back. :D
awesome =)
sorry if I came off as preachy or pushy before... i'm relooking at my previous posts and likely overthinking things ^_^;
Books are optional and slower than digital. Be it local searchable pdfs or online srds. Paizo seems to have forgotten that they got by for a decade+ on people WANTING to support them. The very rules that let them continue 3.5 are the same rules keeping THEM from shutting down people hosting all their rules and mechanics.
yeah, but books are more stable than digital files in many ways...more easily archiveable with less maintenance...
Agree to disagree on that. A usb stick or sd card and you've duplicated your digital media and a jerk with cheeto fingers won't diminish your copy. Everyone at the table can have their own copy, etc.
yeah, but the solid state ICs degrades over time, books can deteriorate took, but much more slowly, especially if they're carefully preserved, plus a book isn't destroyed if something heavy is dropped on it =P
btw, not saying you couldn't scan it as a backup. that's a good idea as well, as many backups as possible are always good.