Actblue was caught in a massive money laundering op, still nothing. Onetime small donors find themselves with a record of having routinely given thousands of dollars, to conceal violations of election law and dirty money.
Winred is also dirty with their spam texts and false claims of support when their donations actually go into the GOP establishment machine (so their claims of being for Trump are lies), but AFAIK nowhere near as dirty as actblue. And then there's shareblue, which was the democrat forum manipulation farm. Almost certainly our own pet pretend nazi retards hail from there or a similar fed op.
You see, by using our website, you've agreed that any financial transaction includes a fee which is not considered part of the donation. This fee is used as part of our operating costs, which includes our entirely reasonable mid-six figure salaries.
Wild that they haven't been sued into the ground for that "100% of you donation goes directly to the charities" bullshit.
If you're part of the establishment you're truly just above the law.
Actblue was caught in a massive money laundering op, still nothing. Onetime small donors find themselves with a record of having routinely given thousands of dollars, to conceal violations of election law and dirty money.
Winred is also dirty with their spam texts and false claims of support when their donations actually go into the GOP establishment machine (so their claims of being for Trump are lies), but AFAIK nowhere near as dirty as actblue. And then there's shareblue, which was the democrat forum manipulation farm. Almost certainly our own pet pretend nazi retards hail from there or a similar fed op.
You see, by using our website, you've agreed that any financial transaction includes a fee which is not considered part of the donation. This fee is used as part of our operating costs, which includes our entirely reasonable mid-six figure salaries.
You're not thinking Talmudic enough.