Between this and trying to sell that nuked Torii gate merchandise someone over there HAS to be doing this on purpose. There's just NO way these things keep happening by coincidence.... is there?
The people who fall into these religious cults are a very special mix of psychotic and very low intelligence. Just watched a sickening Dateline on the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Absolute bunch of retards run by deranged lunatics.
.... but enough about the woke.
Yeah but usually there is a hook, and a continued amount of "success," however low the bar is, that keeps them together. Jim Jones was a hugely powerful civil rights activist, Heaven's Gate had asexuality and aliens, Manson had drugs and sex.
Shinrikyo was a continued string of incompetence on a level that its hard to even explain, especially considering they were setting the stage to get all governments to give up and declare Shoko Emperor of Japan/Earth. And yet they could barely manage basic functioning.
And they still fucking exist.
Also the Mormon cults are all "politics first" types, especially singular principles they hold they let them become easily controlled by tyrannical types. FLDS are usually the polygamy thing, but there are dozens of "30 people in a compound" ones that are about anything. Its a great example of why you don't become "single issue voters"