Like parasites, India is dead set on spreading its people across the world for financial gain, and Trump seems to be more than happy to open the Pajeet floodgates.
Canada’s Pajeet problem is so bad that even the leftists hate them, and Pajeet replacement in America has been ramped up significantly in the tech sector these past few years, and will spread to other sectors soon enough. I’m tired of all of this bullshit and the seemingly never-ending push for more cheap, incompetent Pajeet labor.
🤣 MAGA hasn't even gotten into office yet or even begun to remove the 30+ million illegals and they are fracturing over H1B visa migrants.
You all made a deal with the AI/survailance state tech bros to will the election and apparently didn't even realize it.
Elon is building the next generation satalite survailance system for the NSA. Vance is buddy buddy with Peter Thiel (Palentir).
You can call me a doomer all day long but you have no idea who you are putting into the wheelhouse.
Focus on getting rid of the 30+ million illegals without massively increasing the authoritarian digital police state and call it a win or you will fall apart before the midterms.