Maybe, I was more meaning groups like "politicians" because "rules for thee, but not for me" type shit where they know full well their own actions will fuck them over if it meant full face recognition was needed. Westminister has had a shit ton of access made by MPs looking for porn before, for some reason spiking in November, and in previous power grabs they have always made sure their own actions were left out.
Wait and see what exemptions get rolled out by the ones lobbying and voting for it.
I'll wager that'll be the BBC. They already have a legal exemption from the disinformation and fake news aspects of the act.
Maybe, I was more meaning groups like "politicians" because "rules for thee, but not for me" type shit where they know full well their own actions will fuck them over if it meant full face recognition was needed. Westminister has had a shit ton of access made by MPs looking for porn before, for some reason spiking in November, and in previous power grabs they have always made sure their own actions were left out.