The future of military tech is supposedly hypersonic missiles, stealth drones and suicide drones. I'm going with large-scale air force experiments with a new line of drones, possibly with a 'psy-op' angle. While the Democrats sabotage everything possible for the upcoming Orange-Man-Bad presidency (such as selling off portions of the border wall), they want to distract people with 'mysterious' unidentified aerial phenomena.
There be aliens/Iranian motherships launching drone squadrons/Chinese stealth balloons afoot.
(I haven't really spent much thought on this. In case you haven't noticed. ;) )
a heuristic is whatever the government says the opposite is true
the government is saying "we don't know what they are, but they aren't ours" that means they know exactly what they are and are the ones behind them
Don't forget "they're not a threat!"
They are totally not a threat but congress totally needs to pass a law expanding our power to deal with this totally under control situation!