how did this get greenlit? This "manga" is just an outlet for a bigoted Japanese to rant about the recent influence of immigration on Japan
how is this allowed on Jump?
My question is why would you think it can't get greenlit or that Jump can't allow this? why do these leftists think they somehow own a company in another country 10 thousand miles away? more colonialist mindset from them.
"they never apologise" and "my boss won't even allow us to use air conditioning" are common problems with Chinese immigrants.
People think this is about dindus, and it probably is to some degree as an amalgam, but the framing from a Japanese perspective is likely much more targeted at China.
China is a super power on the doorstep that vastly outclasses them militarily, and does exactly this kind of "peaceful invasion" all over the world, from podunk African countries to Canada. Chinese tourists in Japan also have a big reputation for causing slights, refusing to apologise, and blaming their victims. While Chinese businessmen will cut every corner imaginable, and blame the employees for every shortcoming.
This should be more obvious to more people.