Antifa came from Antifaschistische Aktion(German antifa of 1930) which was created by the Communist party of Germany with one of its two founders being jewish .
But according to conservatives "Antifa are the real fascists". This is why conservatives lose when they can't even correctly identify what their enemies are. Antifa are neither fascists nor nazis, they are communists that the fascists and nazis had fought with.
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.. --Sun Tzu art of war
have you ever listened to any of Hitler's speeches? The things he spoke about are the same as the problems today. He talked about the degeneracy that had taken over media, he talked about schools of the Weimar republic brainwashing German children to hate their country and anscestors, he supported traditional gender roles and was against women in politics.
If you were German at the time you would have supported him.
Cultural elements and political ideology are not the same thing. Saying "I am against (insert evil thing here)" does not make hitler right wing.
Hitler was a nationalist, but more importantly (and leading to the rape and death of his nation) he was a deranged leftist psychopath with delusions of grandeur, who started a war that damned his people. He was no less of a goblinoid faggot than zelensky is today. And simping for the bitch that sentenced his nation to generations of cultural suicide is vomitous.
Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were right wing nationalists. The current chinese state is left wing nationalist. Nationalism is neither left nor right, it is a cultural element, which shifts along a different axis entirely from political ideologies. Don't buy into the modernist reddit goblin "political compass" that links them by exclusively "modern" values.
Religious monarchies were still leftist because of their authoritarian and centralized structure. The catholic church is a leftist globalist (anti-nationalist) organization. Hitler was a leftist, and it was that part of the nazis, not the nationalism, that is poisonous to all of humanity. Nationalism is inherently beneficial to a nation. It is also the superficial veneer used to sucker all you dimwit faggots into simping for a leftist dictator.
Trump is a nationalist. Trump is nothing like the faggot vegan national suicide architect, hitler. When you claim nationalism is linked to socialism you spew the exact same retarded "orange man is hitler" comparison as the modern retarded media owned puppet dem, from a different angle. Remove your head from the sand.