If Catholics were capable of having fun and not self-sabotaging every opportunity presented, they wouldn't have handed over control of our Culture and all their own people to the Left almost willingly.
It's not about a lack of fun, it's about being subverted in the 60's.
Following an approach by Jules Isaac, a French-born Jew who was associated with the Seelisberg Conference of the International Council of Christians and Jews, in which he claimed that Christian antisemitism had prepared the way for the Holocaust, a sympathetic Pope John XXIII endorsed the creation of a document which would address a new, less adversarial approach to the relationship between the Catholic Church and Rabbinic Judaism. ... Jewish organisations such as the American Jewish Committee, B'nai B'rith, and the World Jewish Congress also lobbied for their side with the assistance of liberal clergymen.
Liberation theologies were first being discussed in the Latin American context, especially within Catholicism in the 1960s after the Second Vatican Council. There, it became the political praxis of theologians such as Frei Betto, Gustavo Gutiérrez, Leonardo Boff, and Jesuits Juan Luis Segundo and Jon Sobrino, who popularized the phrase "preferential option for the poor". The option for the poor is simply the idea that, as reflected in canon law, "The Christian faithful are also obliged to promote social justice ...
Yeah that makes sense looking from the top down. The regular Joes in their church still have to choose to participate in being funless and self-sabotaging when faced with things he doesn't understand or like.
Otherwise by your own logic, the feral nigger has no responsibility for being a feral nigger doing nigger things because he was also subverted in the 60s.
Most Catholics I know have disowned it, actually.
If Catholics were capable of having fun and not self-sabotaging every opportunity presented, they wouldn't have handed over control of our Culture and all their own people to the Left almost willingly.
It's not about a lack of fun, it's about being subverted in the 60's.
There's more if you go looking. Sadly the holy Catholic church was co-opted post WWII the same as a lot of Western governments were.
Yeah that makes sense looking from the top down. The regular Joes in their church still have to choose to participate in being funless and self-sabotaging when faced with things he doesn't understand or like.
Otherwise by your own logic, the feral nigger has no responsibility for being a feral nigger doing nigger things because he was also subverted in the 60s.