Never forget that it's all about the corrupt media and their complete lack of ethics.
At this point, we should be able to acknowledge this is barking up the wrong tree. Adjacent, but wrong. Truly independent games media was impossible before Youtube anyway because there's no way to make a full-time living off it without "access."
The culprits are the depraved elite that produced the millennial generation, and then ultimately elite Jews.
You still had Nintendo Power and Sega Visions during the console wars but gamers, for the best part, stuck to their own communities and if that was a computer system you had lots of smaller communities with hobbyist magazines and online billboards to try and find out about news and events from.
Once games were earning rock and roll bucks they tried adopting the music scene model to dispensing news and glamorising it with people who looked down on the role and had disdain for their audience.
Yes - basically, once gaming had full-time journalists, the decline was inevitable.
At this point, we should be able to acknowledge this is barking up the wrong tree. Adjacent, but wrong. Truly independent games media was impossible before Youtube anyway because there's no way to make a full-time living off it without "access."
The culprits are the depraved elite that produced the millennial generation, and then ultimately elite Jews.
Yes - basically, once gaming had full-time journalists, the decline was inevitable.