Everyone remember the "summer of love", when a bunch of people who hated guns decided that maybe they were a good thing to have around a bunch of rioters? There a bunch of articles in the vein of "committed gun control advocate discovers his state has a waiting period when he goes to buy a gun".
And after 2020 they proceeded to...vote even harder for gun control in the states controlled by Democrats. These bitches will post stuff like this, and will maybe even go out and buy a gun, but they'll still vote just as hard for more gun control.
Yes because they did all the things that police did, and effectively became the police. After which, they became the most corrupt and violent police force in the country.
Armed goons claiming authority does not give them legitimacy. Calling them police implies they had some form of community or government backing, some claim to legitimacy however worthless. They were a petty gang.
Wait, I've seen this one!
Everyone remember the "summer of love", when a bunch of people who hated guns decided that maybe they were a good thing to have around a bunch of rioters? There a bunch of articles in the vein of "committed gun control advocate discovers his state has a waiting period when he goes to buy a gun".
And after 2020 they proceeded to...vote even harder for gun control in the states controlled by Democrats. These bitches will post stuff like this, and will maybe even go out and buy a gun, but they'll still vote just as hard for more gun control.
The worst police brutality of 2020 took place in CHAZ and CHOP
Can you really call the goonsquad there "police"? They had no legal authority, no training and no mandate other than "we have guns so you obey us".
Yes because they did all the things that police did, and effectively became the police. After which, they became the most corrupt and violent police force in the country.
Armed goons claiming authority does not give them legitimacy. Calling them police implies they had some form of community or government backing, some claim to legitimacy however worthless. They were a petty gang.