posted ago by QLFOU ago by QLFOU +76 / -1

They called it "Tanaland" from the word “Tana” which comes from “Putana” in Italian, meaning Whore. https://www-lepoint-fr.translate.goog/eureka/qu-est-ce-que-tanaland-ce-pays-interdit-aux-hommes-cree-par-des-influenceuses-16-10-2024-2572928_4706.php?_x_tr_sl=fr&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=wapp#11

A few interesting points

"What is Tanaland, that country forbidden to men? For the past few weeks, influencers on TikTok have been imagining a country forbidden to men, an original way of denouncing online sexism."

“What's this fictional country like? Tanaland, in its essence, is a space of absolute freedom forbidden to men. Its creators imagine it as a land where anything is possible for anyone, as long as you're a woman.”

“Some Internet users go even further, proposing Aya Nakamura as Prime Minister or influencers like Polska and Lucile; as potential female presidents.” Lol.

Here's a map of their fictional country: https://i.imgur.com/hywh6HV.png

We can see that a great deal of importance is attached to the airport (to be able to tour the world) finance (because you need to make, and I quote, “de la moulla (slang for money)” to shop and eat ice cream). And the funny thing is, they have a Muslimana city to pay homage to Islam, one of the world's most patriarchal religions in the world. Even i as a muslim find it extremely funny and contradictory.